Importance of Pool Fencing
Swimming is a fun way to bond with your family and friends. Even though we observe safety precautions, accidents can still happen. Installing pool fences minimises the risks of getting into an accident such as slipping or drowning. Pool fencing is non-negotiable when it comes to the safety and protection of your family and friends.
So, what does pool fencing prevent?
When a person drowns, it only takes about 20 to 60 seconds before the person is fully submerged under the water. Most drowning accidents can be prevented if only they have pool fencing installed.
Children under 5 years old are at higher risk of drowning.
Pool Entrapment
Pool entrapment accidents happen if a person is being sucked by the pool’s drain. This is a very serious accident and can cause major injuries or even death.
Slipping or Falling
We know that the pool area is always wet and slippery. Slipping in the pool area can cause injuries. Worst-case scenario, slipping could lead to falling into the pool and cause drawing.
How To Keep Your Pool Area Safe
Swimming is a fun activity for the family. The last thing you want to happen is an accident or injury. So, how do you keep your pool area safe?
The simple answer is prevention. You can prevent these accidents if you install pool fencing. You won’t get it just because the law requires it, but it is for your safety.
This protects people from getting pool-related accidents. This is extremely helpful if you have little children because no one can enter the pool without opening the gate of the fence.
A pool fence is strong and durable. Children or animals can’t destroy it. Its height is too tall for children to climb on as well.
Experts in Pool Fencing Rockhampton
Safety always comes first. At Rockhampton Fencing Experts, we ensure that our pool fencing is sturdy and long-lasting. Our team is experienced and highly skilled in building pool fences that meet the government’s minimum safety requirements.
If you have questions or inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team will be more than happy to assist you with your pool fencing inquiries.